Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm Dreaming....

If you're in the same frame of mind as I am then you'll be able to finish my thought. But I'd be willing to bet a fair sum of money, the vast majority of you are not even close to thinking what I'm thinking. The worst part is that I've been thinking it since April!

Yes, it's true. I am dreaming of a white Christmas!! And I have been for awhile now. Christmas is my favorite holiday. The whole Christmas season is my favorite time of year. I'm always in a hurry for autumn to come because that means we're ever so close to Thanksgiving! And, in my house, Thanksgiving kicks everything off. Halloween, even though we don't participate in Halloween to any appreciable degree, starts the build up. Of course New Years closes the season out.

I remember my mom's mother loved Christmas too. She decorated and enjoyed the seasonal music and simply loved the Christmas specials on TV. She cooked a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner. It was the same every year because it was my dad's favorite meal. We always, always, always had hog maw, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, deviled eggs and apple dumplings. All of it was made from scratch -- nothing store bought.

Of all my grandparents, my mom's mother was the one that really got into Christmas. My dad's father enjoyed decorating the outside and putting up a large manger scene he had painted inside. And, of course, my dad's mother made Christmas dinner. But the best part of Christmas with that part of the family was Christmas breakfast at their house. We always had a large breakfast to kick off Christmas day and we would open presents. That night we would go back and have Christmas dinner and then play The Game. It was a silly game, but it got quite spirited sometimes.

Today, I have my own traditions. Our family isn't "normal" and never has been. It's not uncommon for us to celebrate Christmas days, even weeks, late. All of my grandparents are dead. My mom and dad don't work traditional jobs so they are, of course, working Christmas day and pretty much all days in December and most of January. That means it's up to me to provide Christmas traditions for my son.

Because it's only us, we have some traditions that others might not find "normal". Thanksgiving is rarely spent with my parents. Usually they are working. On the years that we have Thanksgiving at home, I usually get up and watch the Macy's parade, cook a good breakfast and then spend the day cooking dinner. After we eat dinner we decorate the tree. While we decorate the tree I start playing Christmas music. It's the first time all year I've let myself play Christmas music! That is what I look forward to the most!

Christmas Eve, after my son goes to bed, I attach strings to his stocking presents and then hide them. On Christmas morning he has to follow the strings from his stocking to his presents. Believe it or not, this is his favorite tradition.

Sometimes I wish we could have a "normal" traditional Christmas. But what's left of my family doesn't really care about "normal" or "traditional". I just do what I can to make it what I feel is normal and traditional and hope my son will appreciate the simplicity of a nice family oriented holiday.


  1. oh I so love reading your Christmas memories and what you and your ds do for Christmas, I don't think there is a normal Christmas each family is different.

    Just like your parents I work every Thanksgiving so either we don't do one or I do it my weekend off.

    I am mix on Christmas, I love it, I love the smells, the music, but hate the rush and finding the right gift the money. I have to work now so it harder for me to relax and enjoy the season.


  2. You're right! I wouldn't have ever guessed you were dreaming of Christmas!

    I think tradition is what we make it. Not what others say it is. So, since the activities you talked about are the "normal" ones you do EVERY year, then by golly you've got a normal traditional Christmas going on at your house!


  3. Brenda: I know what you mean about the rush and all. I've had to disconnect myself from the commercial side of things. This year, as a family, we've decided to really keep it simple. Of course my son will get more elaborate gifts, but for the adults we will exchange cookies or something like that. The reason being, we all have more than we need. Not one of us lacks a single thing. So rather than spend tons of money on things we don't need, we're just going to gather and spend time together.

    You're also right that there isn't a "normal Christmas". Normal differs from family to family. I guess I'm sold on the Norman Rockwell depiction of a "normal, traditional Christmas"; and let's face it, that is an impossible standard to live up to. Modern families don't fit into the Norman Rockwell mold.

    Janeta: I like the way you look at things!

