Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

I can't believe we're already celebrating Thanksgiving! Where has the year gone?

Every Thanksgiving I take a few moments in the morning to reflect on the past year and look forward to what little is left of this year. Despite what is going on in our country, we have much to be thankful for. I read an interesting article that really brought it all into focus for me. You can find it at:

Personally I am thankful I have a job when I live in a county where the jobless rate is double the national average! I'm thankful my son is with me and happy.

On a lighter note, I received some questions from Manic Monday and thought they would be fun to answer. They aren't really Thanksgiving themed, but still fun.

1. What do you cook when home alone?

If I'm home alone I usually don't even bother to cook. What's the point in cooking for one?

2. What is something you'd like a chance to eat or cook?

Hmmmm....That's a tough one. I don't ever hesitate to try new stuff when I come across it. So I can't really say that there is something I haven't tried that I want to. As everyone knows, traditional Japanese cuisine is my thing. I cook it fairly regularly. Hmmm....I think I'd like to branch out and try to make some good Indian food at home. That would be fun. :)

3. What is your favorite cookbook?

When I make Japanese food I love to use Washoku. It makes Japanese food idiot poof, which I need!

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Random Thoughts

I haven't written in awhile because I was in a bad car accident. I'll write more about that later....maybe. Instead I thought I'd consider these random questions. What are your answers? Feel free to leave your answers in the comments section.

1. Imagine you can only keep 5 things that you have (people not included). What 5 things would you keep?

Honestly, I'm not sure! I guess since my son is with me, I would have to say I'd keep my house and car. We have to have a place to live and I have to have a way to get us to and from school and work. Now being practical, I'd have to say that I'd also want to keep my money since I have to support us. Of course we'd have to keep our pets because we love them. And a Bible. That's important. Everything else could be regained.

Now, if the question already takes into account that I still have a house, car, money and my pets, it's considerably easier to answer. I'd want to keep my Bible, my cell phone, my books, computer and Xbox. Honestly, as long as I had the basics I first said I would want I'd be OK. All this other stuff I have doesn't seem so important when you take a cold hard look at it.

2. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to learn?

That no matter how much I may love or care about someone, sometimes a person simply isn't able to love or care about me.

3. Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I'm going to...

Take some time to sit back and evaluate what's really important and then make a plan to either keep those things in my life if they are already present or make a plan to get those things into my life.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What was he thinking?

I've listened with morbid curiosity as the story of the Quran burning in Florida has unfolded. Upon my first exposure to the story I remember thinking, "This guy is crazy, but surely he'll stop this nonsense by the end of the week." How wrong I was! As the story has progressed and now played out to an end I've found myself thinking more and more about the situation.

The first thing that really jumped out at me was a very basic fact: Pastor Jones actually has the right to burn the Quran. Hear me on this! I am not saying I agree with his proposed plan to burn the Quran, I am saying that constitutionally speaking he has the right to do so. Just as any Muslim living in America has the right to burn our Bible.

That brought me to another thought. If a Muslim Imam had proposed a Bible burning would there have been as much outcry? I think not. More and more, though protected by the Constitution, it seems Christians have less rights. I am certain there would have been objections from Christians themselves, but I doubt the media would have covered it in the same way as they have covered the proposed Quran burning. And I am certain there wouldn't have been the commentary from top government officials over a Bible burning. This, of course helps me to sympathize in a small way with Pastor Jones, but still doesn't convince me his proposed idea was a good one.

Of course, speaking of the Constitution, I am reminded that Muslims have as much right to worship here in the United States as Christians or Buddhists or Pagans or....whoever. So now we have Pastor Jones with the right to burn the Quran if he so desires facing off against the right of Muslims to worship here. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the Muslims' right to worship trumps Jones' right to burn the Quran. Understand I am in no way basing this on any legal or governmental policy or precedent. This is my own reasoning. I arrive at this conclusion because I hold the right to worship without persecution above many other rights. And because I want to worhsip without persecution, I would extend that right even to those of a particular religion I may not agree with.

And thinking of Muslims in a very general way, it is my understanding that not all Muslims are the fundamental terrorist types. Now I profess no great understanding of the faith and won't say much more on the issue. I know only that as there are some extreme Christians out there, there are also some extreme Muslims, but should we be judged by the extremes of our religions?

Speaking of extremes, does Pastor Jones represent an extreme of the Christian religion? I am inclined to think so. As Christians we are taught to be loving and kind to all. It's the whole hate the sin and love the sinner admonishment. That being the case, shouldn't we strive to live by such an example that others want what we have? When they see our peace and love they will ask questions; they will seek to understand, at that point, we have the opportunity to share with them our beliefs. But no one will ever be swayed to our way of thinking if we attack them!

What has really bothered me about this whole thing is that Pastor Jones has brought the Christian testimony of all Christians into question. As Christians we have to be very careful with our actions as the world judges us by the actions of those proclaiming to be Christians. Is it right? No, we should be judged on the basis of our own actions, but just as we judge Muslims based on the actions of a few, the world will judge Christians based on the actions of a few.

As I've mulled this situation over I've come to one conclusion: We can't control the actions of others and even if we are embarrassed by them, the only thing we can do is keep our own lives as Christ-like as possible.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Condensing Two Months Into One Post

Actually, there isn't much to condense! Things have been busy, but mostly from work and the like. We haven't been busy with anything worth reporting.

We've joined the Y because I have *got* to lose weight. I need to quit talking about it and just do it! We've actually really enjoyed it. We go every day except for Monday (too busy) and Wednesday (church). My son goes after school with a large group of his friends and works out and plays basketball until I get there. I do my workout and then we head home. I've noticed that my grocery bill has gone down! It seems like we really don't care about eating after we work out. This isn't a bad thing!

I had jury duty Monday and got selected for a trial. The trial was today. As I was listening to testimony I couldn't help but to think about how sin has so devastated our lives. It was so sad to listen to the testimony and realize that if we would just follow God's plan this could be avoided!

Spring is here! I am really looking forward to working in the yard. I've started a few projects and my dad is coming over tomorrow to help with some of them. I'll be sure to post pictures in my Florida Gardener blog (link at left) tomorrow when we're done working. I'll also discuss a little more what is going on in my garden in that blog.

I hope each of you had a blessed week and enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Two For One.....Sort Of

This was supposed to be posted yesterday with my other post, but life conspired against me. OK.....truthfully....I was too tired. One day I'll get caught up....I think.

Surprisingly, I reconnected with one of my freinds from high school. I haven't talked to him in about 18 years! Oddly enough, even after so much time, it's very easy to talk to him. The first day we spoke we spent MANY hours on the phone. It's great to catch up with him.

Earlier in the week Barbara, one of the ladies I work with, showed me a few items her grandson bought for her at the circus. It made me think of my grandfather and the time when the Russian circus was in Orlando. He took me to see it and we had a great time. There was also a huge exhibit at the Omni Hotel and he took me there and bought me a white horse figurine. I still have that horse.

I'm home sick today! Yuck! My doctor said it was a good thing I came in today instead of waiting until Monday. She said by Monday, if I even would have made it that long, she would have had to send me to the hospital. Double yuck!

I don't really have much to say for this post because honestly all I've been doing is working. Tuesday we had a church function with our Sunday School class but honestly that's about the only thing we've been up to. Having been sick all week, I didn't have any energy to do anything this week. But at least those that follow only the blog know I'm still alive LOL

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Starting Over

Last year I didn't keep up with this blog well at all! It seemed as though one overwhelming thing after anther come my way. As many of you know, I've been at my job for three years now. This is the first of the three years that I've not been persecuted by other "Christians" trying to get me fired. I suppose it isn't fair to put Christian in quotes like that.... Even Christians can be led by the flesh; I know I have many times. Thankfully this year seems to be going better. Sure, there are up and downs, that's inevitable. Regardless, things really are going better.


To restart this blog from the fitful starts and stops of the last year, I've decided to keep the most popular entry from last year and move forward from there. I know I won't be able to update every day, but I'd like to try to do so at the very least once a week.

And now I'll try to catch you up on the last year. To be honest, it's mostly a blur. I was busy with church and my son and family. Over the summer I had both bathrooms remodeled. My bathroom had the most work done. I'll chronicle that whole process in my Floridian Oasis blog. (Link at left.)

My son, of course, is maturing into a fine young man. I do believe he has a heart for God. He is struggling right now with church attendance, and I hope that can be corrected. However, I hesitate to make too much of a fuss for fear of completely driving him away.

He has a life plan for which I am unbelievably thankful. At his age I had no such plan and look at where my drifting got me! I regret often that my early years were wasted so.

However, I digress...

My son has decided to let the marines pay for his education since he plans to make a career of the military. I am ever so thankful he has chosen to throw his lot with the Marine Corps. He has decided he will go the Crops of Cadets route at either UF or Texas A&M. After graduation he wants to be a sniper in Force Recon. Now I don't know enough about all that to know exactly how he's going to make that happen, but I trust that he will.

Speaking of the Marines, Amanda graduated Texas A&M and is now in TBS. She has met a man who seems to really love her and I look for them to be married within the year. I'm very happy for her.

What is left of my family is doing OK. Health problems and the like plague us, but I suppose that is a result of hard living. You know how it goes. My dad's back is terrible, but I think he's waiting for retirement before doing more surgery. My only surviving uncle seems to be dealing with his leukemia but with Russ you never know. I'm often amazed at how he seems to blithely plow through life seemingly without a care in the world.

And my mom? There's another one that amazes me. Somehow, despite all the garbage she is forced to deal with, she holds up and keeps going. I truly don't know how.

As for me, there isn't a whole lot to report. My life is pretty much all wrapped up in my son. Of course that's as it should be and I LOVE it!

I suppose the highlight of my year was purchasing my car. It pained me, but the Blazer just had become too costly to keep on the road. I picked out a silver Chevy Malibu. It's a 2010 and I LOVE it! I've named it Edward because it reminds me of a chunkier version of Edward Cullen's car. And let me be clear here: I am NOT a "Twilight" fan. You can see how I really feel about the "Twilight" series by reading my book reviews in my Well-Read Floridian blog. (Link at left.)

I believe this has gone on long enough. You're about as caught up as you need to be!

PS: This should have been posted Sunday, but I never got around to it. Story of my life! LOL So today will be a two for one. Later I will post yesterday's post.