Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Challenge 2012 -- Day 19

Day 19 -- If you were an elf what would your name be?

I thought about this a little and I have no good answer.  It's not like I know what kind of names elves have anyway.  Well not true.  I know what kind of names they have in books/movies like LOTR.  But what if the elves at the north pole were a hybrid mix of elves and fairies.  In which case would they have fairy names?  Fairy names tend to be Celtic.  Or would the names be a hybrid mix of an elf name and a fairy name? But what if elves were more like nymphs?  What kind of names do nymphs have anyway?  Or do elves come in nationalities?  And I keep saying elves, but should I be more specific and say North Pole elves since there are LOTR elves?  (Among other types of elves.)  And if I was an elf, a North Pole elf that is, would I have to be like that creepy Elf on the Shelf?  Man, that is the creepiest damn thing I have ever seen!  Never mind.  I'm good.  I don't want to be a North Pole elf.  I think I'll just be human and use my human name:  Mo.

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