Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Challenge 2012 -- Day 16

Day 16 -- When did you find out Santa wasn’t real?

We never did the whole Santa thing.  Sure we had some Santa decorations, but it was always made clear where the presents really came from.  And, yes, there were visits to Santa in the mall for the obligatory Santa Christmas picture, but it was clear this was just a silly little tradition.  Santa was presented in the same way that a fairy tale was presented -- It was not true and was just for fun.

I've had some people say that I missed out on some huge childhood milestone by not having my family lie to me.  Really?  I think I'd have been more scarred if I'd found out later my family had been lying all those years.  The most important thing we can give our children is honesty.  If you can't be honest with your children, who on earth can you be honest with?  Are you even honest with yourself? 

Presenting Santa as true would be like presenting the story of Cinderella, Snow White or Beauty and the Beast as true.  Surely no parent goes about presenting those as true.  Why then would you present Santa as true?  Is honesty not important to you?  Do you not value your child's trust?

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