Sunday, May 22, 2011

The End of the World....Really?

Well either I'm a really bad person and didn't make the cut, or someone was just a little delusional and didn't read Mark 13:32. I'm *really* hoping it was option #2.


I'd have to say that this whole thing really got me to thinking. We all talk about being "good Christians"; we all say we "believe". But are we really "good Christians"? Do we truly "believe"?

My son and I have talked about these things in the days leading up to this alleged rapture. And he made a good point the other day. It's misleading to say we are "good" Christians. We may be Christians and we may even be "good" by the world's standards, but by God's standards we are far, far from good.

He's right in his observation. The "good" standard was set by Jesus Christ. That's why we are called Christians. We are Christ followers. And we all fall short of the example set by Him. So to call ourselves good is a stretch.

I also pointed out to my son when someone calls us good, they are focusing on our works. Think about it. When you say someone is good you say that because of something they've done. Or a lot of somethings they've done. Our faith is not about our works. Yes, we do good works as an outgrowth of the change that's taken place within our heart, but the works don't make us good.

We've also talked a lot about what it means to truly believe. The Bible says that even the devils believe and tremble. I think it is wise of us to read that and truly understand what it means. Simply put: Do you have a "head belief" or a "heart belief". A "head belief" is what the demons have. They know that Jesus's death on the cross happened and that His shed blood has the power to save. They have that knowledge. But they haven't believed that in their heart. They haven't accepted the gift of salvation. Just as a lot of people believe that there was a Jesus. They believe He died for our sins. But it stops there. They haven't accepted the salvation offered. They haven't repented and given their lives to the One who died for them.

I often wonder how many people will be surprised at His coming. How many people thought they believed, but had only believed with their head and not their heart.

Are you one of them?


  1. you know when I saw on the news on how this group was saying the end time was on such and such day, I was mad and sad all in one. As even Jesus said he didn't know the time or the hour, so how can a simple man tell the world it going to happen this day or that?
    yes I beleive we are living in the end times, the signs are there but God time is different then our time so does that mean in my life time I don't know but it closer now then before.
    but why does this bother me? well it makes Christians look like a joke, here you got your group that don't believe or even your baby Christians they hear this and it don't happen, so they say see it all a joke. why should I beleive in this Christian crap it not true.

    I believe yes he died on the cross and he arose in three days, I believe He will come back to bring home his children in the rapture. I try to live like I feel is right, but if I look at me I am still not living the way He wants me to

  2. That's the problem with this group. They haven't read their Bibles. *They* are the false teachers referred to in II Timothy 4:3.

    I, too, agree we are living in the end times. As you say, God's time is different from ours and it may yet be a long time before Jesus returns for us. However, I don't believe that. I do believe that his return will come in our lifetime. Of course, I could be wrong. But the first time I ever heard of the return of Jesus Christ, I just knew in my heart of hearts that it would be in my lifetime. And that was back when I was probably 9 ro 10 years old.

    Certainly the signs are there that this is the end times. If you read your Bible it's easy to see. Everything that needed to happen prior to Jesus's return has happened. The next thing to come to pass is the rapture. That both scares me and thrills me. It makes me both happy and sad.

    Brenda I would say that of the three of us (me, you, Janeta) we all try to live the life He wants us to live. But we are human and we are sinners. He knows our heart's intent. He knows the motivations behind out thoughts, words and actions. As long as our heart is where it should be then that is what matters. We may fall short of the glory of God as Romans says, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love us.

    Chin up, dear sister! You keep that loving heart and sweet spirit. God knows and that's what matters.


  3. Man, oh man am I out of the (news) loop. I didn't know a thing about this end of the world stuff until a day or so before it was suppose to happen. I never gave it a second thought. He ain't the first person that has predicted Christ's coming again and he won't be the last.

    Who ever that man is that made the prediction... he is right about one thing. Jesus is coming back. It's just that NO ONE knows when.

    "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." (Wizard of Oz)

    Listen only to God (Bible)


  4. You're right, Janeta. If more people read the Bible they would *know* the truth of the situation.

    Now this crazy is saying that he "made a mistake" (ya think?) and that it's actually 21 October that the world is going to end. He says that 21 May was the "spiritual judgment". Again, homeslice didn't read his Bible. We are not spiritually while still living on this earth.

    It's people like this crazy that give Christians a bad name and lead so many people astray.
