Sunday, October 3, 2010

Random Thoughts

I haven't written in awhile because I was in a bad car accident. I'll write more about that later....maybe. Instead I thought I'd consider these random questions. What are your answers? Feel free to leave your answers in the comments section.

1. Imagine you can only keep 5 things that you have (people not included). What 5 things would you keep?

Honestly, I'm not sure! I guess since my son is with me, I would have to say I'd keep my house and car. We have to have a place to live and I have to have a way to get us to and from school and work. Now being practical, I'd have to say that I'd also want to keep my money since I have to support us. Of course we'd have to keep our pets because we love them. And a Bible. That's important. Everything else could be regained.

Now, if the question already takes into account that I still have a house, car, money and my pets, it's considerably easier to answer. I'd want to keep my Bible, my cell phone, my books, computer and Xbox. Honestly, as long as I had the basics I first said I would want I'd be OK. All this other stuff I have doesn't seem so important when you take a cold hard look at it.

2. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to learn?

That no matter how much I may love or care about someone, sometimes a person simply isn't able to love or care about me.

3. Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I'm going to...

Take some time to sit back and evaluate what's really important and then make a plan to either keep those things in my life if they are already present or make a plan to get those things into my life.

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